KOOBA™ RFID Based Software For Libraries FAQ's

What are Top features of KOOBA™ Web-Based OnLine Library Software
KOOBA™ Web-based Library Software is On-cloud library solution, through which you are can manage and access your library online. It includes an online cataloging, online circulation and administration of books, including book barcoding, accession register upload and a lot of other feature
In KOOBA™ barcode enabled library system, you can add book in three ways, manual addition of book in software, add books by uploding accession register or add book by using online search utility and this makes library software very fast and simple to use.
With KOOBA™ RFIF enabled library system, you can add student in two ways, manual addition of student in software, add student by uploding student register using excel data sheet and this makes library software very fast and simple to use.
What are best book circulation process adopted by library?
Through this process librarian enters Studendent Card No and Book Accession no Manuallly in system and circulate book to student through libray software. Kooba Libray Software.
  • For this Process Certain Hardware are required:
      1. Normal Computer with Broweser
  • The steps involved in this process are really simple. All you need to do is:
    • Generate Stundent MembershipCard with Barcode and issue to Sudent
    • Generate Book Barcode Label from library software and paste them on each book
    • Now while Circulation when Sudent comes to librarian with Books to be issue, He/ She first Scan Member card and then Scan Book Barcode and book are issued on student name based on membership criteria: This is First step towards Library automation through Kooba Libray Software
    • For this Process Certain Hardware are required:
        1. Normal Computer with Broweser
        2. Barcode Scaner
        3. Barcode Printer
    The steps involved in this process are also very simple. All you need to do is:
    • Issue RFID based Student Membership Card to Each Studend with Unique Id, Same need to be tag in appluication against student.
    • Paste RFID Tag on Each Book Barcode Label from library software and paste them on each book
    • Now while Circulation, when Sudent comes to librarian with Books to be issue, He/ She just shows RFID Student Member card to RFID Reader and then Shows Book RFID tags and book are issued on student name based on membership criteria: This is First next step towards advance Library automation through Kooba Libray Software
    • For this Process Certain Hardware are required:
        1. Normal Computer with Broweser
        2. UHF Tags For Books
        3. RFIF Membership Card
        3. RFID Reader
    What are the advanatge of library automation?
    A simple answer is, Library has book which are to be borrowed and read by readers. so, library should have easy
  • 1. Search
  • 2. Loacate
  • 3. Borrow
  • 4. Return
  • books in big library
  • Once, He/ She has located a book of choice and physically got that. Now, He/She should borrow that easly. So, a library software will help to issue books to member and maintain record of issue, based of type of menbership and return back date.
  • .
  • And Once book is read by the borrower he need to retun that book to boorow other and if book is delayed thereir should some fine to be collecte d by librarian. Here again automation helps.so these are some library automation advantage
  • Easy and effortless working in library to
  • 1. Maintain and Manage Books and Student Data in Library
  • 2. Search Books Requested
  • 3. Locate Books Requested
  • 4. Issue Books
  • 5. Accept Borrowed Books Return
  • 6. Auto Calculate and Collect Fine
  • 7. Generate Cataloge
  • 8. Generate reportbased library law like DDC and Library Congress
  • in Public, School, College or any big library
    A simple answer is, Library has book which are to be borrowed and read by readers. so, library should have easy
  • 1. Search
  • 2. Loacate
  • 3. Borrow
  • 4. Return
  • books in big library
  • Once, He/ She has located a book of choice and physically got that. Now, He/She should borrow that easly. So, a library software will help to issue books to member and maintain record of issue, based of type of menbership and return back date.

  • And Once book is read by the borrower he need to retun that book to boorow other and if book is delayed thereir should some fine to be collecte d by librarian. Here again automation helps.so these are some library automation advantage
  • I want to buy free library management software- what are the steps?